Fan Ho Fan Ho took surprisingly uncontroversial photos in a controversial place at a controversial time; China in the 1950's. This is quite interesting on account of the chaos engulfing the country. I would categorize Fan Ho's work as abstract street photography. I like that the photos do not use people as their main attraction, as opposed to the other artists we have seen who take portrait photos. I also find Hong Kong in the 1950's fascinating because of the events of the time, so getting a view of it is nice. There is no way that the art would be the same, because Hong Kong has vastly changed in the last five years, let alone fifty years. Although that doesn't necessarily matter, but the people have changed. I doubt that you could find many places as unoccupied as in the pictures. “My belief in art creation is to try anything.” This is interesting, because many artists, especially famous artists, have very set ideas of what art is....