Artist of the Week: Pieter Hugo

 Pieter Hugo

Pieter Hugo's work is an expression of himself. Being white in a predominantly black community, Hugo was considered an outcast, and his art reflects that by showing outcasts in their elements.
I would consider Hugo's work shown to be artistic portraits in color. His work is not alike other works in the sense that he photographs outcasts, of one form or another, living their life, while many other works beautify and glamorize one aspect of a person. His work could be replicated to a degree, capturing the essence of the photos, but not able to capture the passion of the photos or the emotion behind the photos.

“I am looking because I am interested in looking. I want to look, and I want to look without apology. And with the intensity that I want to look with, I want to be looked back at. And if you can get that in a portrait or in a landscape, you have an energy.”
Out of context, this quote sounds far less innocent than Hugo intended his statement to. This concept that he speaks of is the antithesis of the common practice when something irregular is to be seen. It is polite not to stare, but Hugo says that it is interesting. difference is interesting. These differences shouldn't divide, but bring together, and all of Hugo's art represents this mantra.


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